Category: Mixing
How to Use: Smooth Operator by Baby Audio. @MattMontanez
Baby Audio’s new plugin Smooth Operator is exactly that a smooth plugin to operate. It sounds incredible to use on vocals, drums, instruments, and even 2 Tracks! It is a clean interface and fast to dial in the sound you want. I break down what each parameter does and how to use it on vocals…
Less is More, Add Life to a Track
In this video I show you that Less really is more when it comes to mixing music. I breakdown my thought process and my approach on fixing and enhancing the music to make it sound better than before by doing minimal adjustments but are really effective. You don’t need an eq and compressor on everything…
Mixing: In Your Face Vocals @MattMontanez
I explain how I get my vocals in your face. This is the second part of “Mixing: Where to start?” where you can find that video here I will show you exactly how I use parallel compression and also one of my favorite plugins to do it a different way. Sign up…
Mixing: Where To Start? @mattMONTANEZ
In this video I explain to you the very first things I do when I start to mix a new song. I explain my first initial thought and what I do to get to where I need to be. This is the very first step I take when mixing a new song. I hope it…
Ear Candy Used in T-Pain by Chizzy Stephens @MattMontanez
I show you 3 awesome ear candy tricks I used in this song T-Pain by Chizzy Stephens. I show my presets, plugins i used, and how I used them. They are all vocal effects but are super useful and were fun to do. T-Pain by Chizzy Stephens: Become a Patreon: …